I've been wanting to do this website stuff since like, 2022, but I was having such a hard time with learning HTML and stuff that I gradually lost interest in it as a whole. It wasn't until earlier this year that I realized the degree to which social media was negatively affecting me, and I reached the point where my hatred for the big tech oligopoly in our digital landscape actually moved me to like, do something about it—at least on an individual level. Anyways, that's no profound statement, especially here on Neocities—so I digress.
This site is both an art project and a means of creating an internet presence independent of mainstream social media giants. Being able to dictate what's where and organize it how I like is a big encouarging factor in getting me to start actually making things and talking about stuff without distractions. It's a noisy world, and it's good to have somewhere to retreat to when all that noise starts to bug me a great deal .
Updates will be slow as I'm still learning how to do things and struggling to balance everything else I want to do at the same time. This site is pretty generic and subpar, but if you have any interest in sticking around, thank you—and feel free to join the picnic! ^_^